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I'm sure it's not just Vegas, but this is where I live and experience it the most.  People want to sit down and meet with you about doing business.  You come up with some brilliant ideas and ways that you can make it  happen.  Then you find yourself a month later still having meetings about the same business plan.  There is a serious need for PR in this town and then some ACTION.  It urkes me when I walk into a meeting and no body has so much as a scratch pad for notes.  How are you gonna do what you said or remember what I said if you don't write it down?  This happens a lot.  I remember when I first moved here over 10 years ago and I was in shock and found myself asking: Where Has Customer Service Gone Cause It Aint Here?  Everybody everywhere you go was mad all the time, for no reason at all, just mad or bitter!   The thing about Vegas folks is that they make jokes of their hidden perceptions of anger and hate! 


People say a lot of things about my business tactics, good and bad...I really don't care because at the end of the day I'm gonna learn something new, good or bad!



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