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Monday, December 6, 2010

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In The Social Network World ...You Get Out Of It What You Put Into It...My Advice To You Is...JUST DO IT...!!!


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World Star Hip Hop

We’re Officially In A Black Mirror Episode: Phoenix Police Officer Pulls Over A Driverless Car For Driving On The Wrong Side Of The Road!

Phoenix police officer pulls over a driverless Waymo car for driving on the wrong side of the road leading the nonexistent driver to roll the windows down to speak with the police. Waymo has since released a statement, apparently blaming the incident on "inconsistent construction signage." The car "was blocked from navigating back into the correct lane" for about 30 seconds when the officer pulled it over. "In an effort to clear the intersection, the Waymo vehicle proceeded forward a short distance and pulled into the next available parking lot," the company said. Posted by JR

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