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Fright Dome @ Circus Circus ~ The Ultimate Haunted Amusement Park

Fright Dome at Circus Circus Opens Its Doors for 2010 Halloween Season


Fright Dome at Circus Circus

Owner Jason Egan available for interviews


Fright Dome has partnered with Lionsgate® and Twisted Pictures for the second year to bring together plots from various installments of the legendary horror movie franchise SAW, and popular horror film MY BLOODY VALENTINE, to two of its five haunted houses. Interactive, handcrafted replicas of the “games” set by Jigsaw in the popular SAW saga, which concludes this year with its grand finale Saw 3D in theaters Halloween weekend, will be among the many things guests have to look forward to this year.

To further the fright this year, Owner Jason Egan adds to the excitement and terror of Fright Dome with three of the world’s most notorious and macabre magicians in the “Show of Magic & Horror.” Guests can enjoy a combination of shock, illusion and unsettling conjuring from “America’s Got Talent” semifinalist Dan Sperry along with Dixie Dooley and Rudy Coby.

In addition to this horrifying show of shock and illusion, Fright Dome has aligned with Konami Digital Entertainment to bring visitors key elements from its new SAW video game SAW II: Flesh & Blood along with chilling zombie attacks in the all-new scare zone aptly named after Konami’s “Zombie Apocalypse.”


Opening night- Friday, Oct. 1

Hearse entrance - 7 p.m.

Open until midnight

**If interested in sending a camera, please contact Mandi McCary for clearance at 702-205-8119 or**


The Adventuredome at Circus Circus

2880 Las Vegas Blvd. South

Las Vegas, NV 89109


Fright Dome is open from 7 p.m. to midnight Oct. 1-3, 8-10, 14-17, 21-24 and 28-31. General admission tickets are $34.95 and fast pass tickets are available for an additional $15 which allow express line entry for all five haunted houses. This event is not appropriate for children under 12. For more information, visit or call (702) 794-3939.

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