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Mike Tyson took center stage at Cabo Wabo Cantina


Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson took center stage at Cabo Wabo Cantina to host the Tecate Pre-Fight Bradley vs Marquez Party on Friday, Oct. 11.


The boxing legend and Las Vegas resident was accompanied by two Tecate models as hundreds of fans patiently waited in line to take a photo with the Hall of Famer. Tyson sported a long sleeve black v-neck with dark blue jeans while he playfully posed with each fan.


The night also welcomed former boxer Marco Antonio “Baby-Faced Assassin” Barrera who stepped in the ring with Manny Pacquiao in Las Vegas six years ago.


Chef Tacho served complimentary small bites including albondingas sliders with chipotle, bacon-wrapped shrimp with goat cheese and pesto, chicken taquitos and stuffed mushrooms with crab to the fans. Each table also received buckets of Tecate beer.


Cabo Wabo Cantina will be hosting the highly anticipated Bradley vs. Marquez  pay-per-view fight live tonight at 6 p.m. on a 180” screen.


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