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Raysco, Inc. Newsletter April 2011

   Raysco Inc. April Newsletter                                         

                                      Raysco Inc. "Real Clean, Real Value"


Dear Valued Raysco Customer,

  Welcome to Raysco Inc's April issue of our newsletter. It is the beautiful spring season here in the Las Vegas valley; so in honor of some of the best weather we will see all year we are offering some specials to help you with your Spring cleaning.  You can use the coupon you see to the right- and we are always as always offering our bundling special- each additional service we do on a single service call nets you another 5% off your total invoice. 

   In this issue you will find lots of interesting things- Hope you enjoy and as always if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments please contact us by calling our office, email or via any of our Social Media outlets.

              Service of The Month             

                                      Tile and Grout Cleaning

  Cleaning, sealing and maintaining your tile, grout and stone can be a difficult task. It is nevertheless necessary to maintain the beauty, cleanliness, and sanitary state of your tile floors, showers, countertops and anywhere else you have tile and grout.

    There are different techniques for cleaning different types of tile and grout. Cleaning ceramic tile, cleaning porcelain tile, cleaning marble tile, cleaning travertine tile, and cleaning slate tile all take different techniques, cleaning solutions and processes. We utilize the latest and greatest procedures for the difficult task of cleaning your grout


                                                           Why Clean?

    Grout lines between tiles quickly become stained and discolored when they are in high traffic areas or damp areas such as the kitchen or bathroom. Tiles and grout in these areas are susceptible to mold and mildew, food and water stains. Tile grout is continuously exposed to dirt, soap scum, mold and mildew that cause stains and discoloration. Even when the tile is clean, discolored grout can cause an otherwise tidy area to look dirty. Regular care and maintenance are the best ways to clean grout and keep it clean. Rather than allowing dirt and stains to build-up, consistent cleaning makes an unpleasant job not so difficult.

                                                      Whats Happening.

As with any surface, tile & grout is porous and will “lock in” dirt and bacteria. Soon after, your floor can become a hazardous pool of bacteria and begin to have odor problems. The odor issues are caused by the bacteria feeding and growing on your floor. These symptoms can often be decreased dramatically by having your tile & grout cleaned regularly. Some other issues are yellowing of the tile’s surface (typically lighter colored tile) and darkening grout lines. Therefore, the clean-up process can become more expensive and costly.



                                                          Did You Know?                   

       The use of ceramic tile can be traced back through history for more than 4000 years. That’s because man has always desired to produce living spaces that were beautiful, durable, and easy to maintain. Beautiful tile surfaces have been found in the oldest pyramids, the ruins of Babylon, and in the ruins of ancient Greek cities. Ceramic tile remains as popular as ever today as the floor of choice in public restrooms, schools, hospitals and numerous other applications. This ongoing popularity can be attributed to both the product’s durability and design versatility.



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Raysco Inc Staff




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                                                       Remember- Raysco Inc.  Real Clean Real Value
      April Special

Home Remedies:

Homemade Vacuum Extension

Here's a cleaning tip: If you need a little more reach on your vacuum cleaner hose attachment, try affixing a cardboard tube such as one that holds wrapping paper. The tube can even be smooshed down flat to get into tight spots.



Ending Carpet Static

In addition to cleaning carpet stains, you might want to remove static electricity as well. To do this, put a dryer sheet on the bottom of a swiffer duster or dry sponge mop and run over the carpet. Replace the sheet as needed. If you prefer liquid fabric softener, this too will remove static from the carpet. Pour some fabric softener into a spray and dilute with water, about one part fabric softener to five parts of water. Spritz your carpet with this solution and static,and the shock that comes will it, will be eliminated.


Quote of the Month


"Every man, at the bottom of his heart, wants to do right. But only he can do right who knows right; only he knows right who thinks right; only he thinks right who believes right. It takes an army of patriotic and order-obeying soldiers to win a war. But only with an army of public-spirited and law abiding citizens can we hope to win the peace and maintain & remain a great nation." - Tiorio


2 of our Lead Techs have completed the difficult IICRC certification-
 Pedro & Luis have both been with our Raysco Inc. family learning and perfecting their craft and now it is official!


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