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US Senate Candidates Harry Reid & Sharron Angle...<No Holds Bar>...!


I DO NOT regret interviewing Sharron Angle, I'm glad she took time out of her day to speak to my audience and open the door for them to talk back...!  Tell it like it is but don't shoot the messenger!


I recently did an interview with Sharron Angle who is opposing Sen. Harry Reid in the upcoming election.  We were building and testing the streaming out at the station.  At the time it didn't dawn on me who this woman was as I was talking and celebrating our birthdays together.  We welcomed her to do a station endorsement and she offered an interview instead, will Obama do that?  We'll see one day...but I say 'hey' what can it hurt?  Little did I know I was going to get some serious slack and backlashing for it.  After I viewed the tape I was upset with myself because at this stage of my life, I should NEVER go onair or publish information without doing my research.....Huge lesson learned and hey I'm Not Perfect so let's see how it plays out...?  I can take the criticism and learn from my mistakes, can you...?  I'm not a DJ or OnAir personality, that was my first time hearing my own voice over the air...Please don't mistake me for the pro... I got lots of kinks to work out!


You have a voice and a vote Please help me send the message to these people that make decisions for us in elected positions!


Vanessa McConnell ~VNewz~

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I Got a Question: Who's job is it anyway to create jobs?

I wanna hear about what's going to be done to help SMALL BUSINESSES and NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS...!!!

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In The Social Network World ...You Get Out Of It What You Put Into It...My Advice To You Is...JUST DO IT...!!!



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